Kareem Darwish, Ahmed Abdelali, Hamdy Mubarak, Mohamed Eldesouki, (2021).Arabic Diacritic Recovery Using a Feature-rich biLSTM Model.
Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, Volume 20, Issue 2 Article No.: 33, Pages 1 - 18.


Kareem Darwish, Mohammed Attia, Hamdy Mubarak, Younes Samih, Ahmed Abdelali, Lluís Màrquez, Mohamed Eldesouki, Laura Kallmeyer, (2019).Effective Multi Dialectal Arabic POS Tagging.
Natural Language Engineering, Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2020, Pages 18.

Kareem Darwish, Ahmed Abdelali, Hamdy Mubarak, Mohamed Eldesouki, (2020), Arabic Diacritic Recovery Using a Feature-Rich biLSTM Model, https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.01207


Hamdy Mubarak, Ahmed Abdelali, Kareem Darwish, Mohamed Eldesouki, Younes Samih, Hassan Sajjad (2019), A System for Diacritizing Four Varieties of Arabic,
In the Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP): System Demonstrations, Hong Kong, China, November 3 – 7, 2019, pages 217–222.

Younes Samih, Hamdy Mubarak, Ahmed Abdelali, Mohammed Attia, Mohamed Eldesouki, Kareem Darwish (2019), QC-GO Submission for MADAR Shared Task: Arabic Fine-Grained Dialect Identification,
In the Proceedings of the Fourth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop , Florence, Italy, Pages 290-294.

Mohamed Eldesouki, Naassih Gopee, Ahmed Ali, Kareem Darwish, (2019), FarSpeech: Arabic Natural Language Processing for Live Arabic Speech,
In Proceedings of the Interspeech Conference 2019: Show & Tell Contribution, September 15–19, 2019, Graz, Austria, Pages 2372-2373.

Salvatore Romeo, Giovanni Da San Martino, Yonatan Belinkov, Alberto Barŕon-Cedẽno, Mohamed Eldesouki , Kareem Darwish, Hamdy Mubarak, James Glass, and Alessandro Moschitti, (2019).Language processing and learning models for community question answering in Arabic.
Information Processing & Management, Volume 56, Issue 2, March 2019, Pages 274-290.


Mohamed Eldesouki , Suwon Shon, and Ahmed Ali, (2018), QCRI-MIT Live Arabic Dialect Identification System,
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, Canada.

Kareem Darwish, Hamdy Mubarak, Mohamed Eldesouki, Ahmed Abdelali, Younes Samih, Randah Alharbi, Mohammed Attia, Walid Magdy, and Laura Kallmeyer, (2018), Multi-Dialect Arabic POS Tagging: A CRF Approach ,
In proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 7-12 May 2018, Miyazaki (Japan).


Younes Samih, Mohamed Eldesouki , Mohammed Attia,Kareem Darwish, Ahmed Abdelali, Hamdy Mubarak and Laura Kallmeyer, (2017), Learning from Relatives: Unified Dialectal Arabic Segmentation.
In Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2017), Vancouver, Canada, 432-441.

Walid Magdy, and Mohamed Eldesouky , (2017), ClassStrength: A Multilingual Tool for Tweets Classification,
In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in social networks analysis and mining (ASONAM), Sydney, Australia, 593-596.

Mohamed Eldesouki , Younes Samih, Ahmed Abdelali, Mohammed Attia, Hamdy Mubarak, Kareem Darwish and Kallmeyer Laura, (2017), Arabic Multi-Dialect Segmentation: bi-LSTM-CRF vs. SVM , http://arxiv.org/abs/1708.05891

Younes Samih, Mohammed Attia, Mohamed Eldesouki , Ahmed Abdelali, Hamdy Mubarak, Laura Kallmeyer and Kareem Darwish, (2017), A Neural Architecture for Dialectal Arabic Segmentation .
In Proceedings of The 3rd Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (WANLP-2017) co-located with EACL 2017, Valencia, Spain, pages 46-54.

Kareem Darwish, Hamdy Mubarak, Ahmed Abdelali and Mohamed Eldesouki , (2017), Arabic POS Tagging: Don’t Abandon Feature Engineering Just Yet,
In Proceedings of The 3rd Arabic NLP Workshop (WANLP-2017) co-located with EACL 2017, Valencia, Spain, P. 130.


Mohamed Eldesouki , Fahim Dalvi, Hassan Sajjad, and Kareem Darwish, (2016), QCRI@DSL 2016: Spoken Arabic Dialect Identification Using Textual Features,
In the Proceedings of the Third Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects, (VarDial 3), Osaka, Japan, P. 221.


Mohamed I. Eldesouki, An Intelligent Agent for Arabic Web Information Retrieval, (2012), Master’s Thesis, Cairo University.


Mohamed Eldesouki , Waleed Arafa, Kareem Darwish, Mervat H. Gheith, (2011), Representing Arabic Documents Using Controlled Vocabulary Extracted from Wikipedia,
In the Proceedings of The 11th Conference on Language Engineering (ESOLEC’11), Cairo, Egypt.

Mohamed Eldesouki, Waleed Arafa, Kareem Darwish, Mervat Gheith, (2011), Using Wikipedia for Retrieving Arabic Documents.
In the Proceedings of Arabic Language Technology International Conference (ALTIC 2011), Oct, 9-10, Alexandria, Egypt.


Mohamed I. Eldesouki, Waleed M. Arafa, Kareem M. Darwish,(2009), Stemming techniques of Arabic Language: Comparative Study from the Information Retrieval Perspective,
The Egyptian Computer Journal, 36(1):30-49.